Sunday, November 17, 2013

Retired FBI Agent Says Agency Was Warned About Assassination of JFK

This story is reported elsewhere e.g., in John H. Davis's Mafia Kingfish. Davis reported that many ordinary citizens warned of a plot to assassinate JFK in the months leading up to November 23, 1963. But in each case the FBI dismissed the reports because they believed that the men reporting the plot were mentally ill. It is a pattern that remains pervasive in the FBI which allows many criminal abuses of persons perceived to be mentally ill. Journalists repeat what police and prosecutors regularly say in open court, making  remarks about suspects which include "a history of mental illness" to discredit the suspect. Psychiatry is an easy means of discrediting and censoring people. Police often shoot dead persons they perceive as mentally ill. Killing persons with disabilities is no problem in the United States. The politicians and journalists remain focused on fighting hate speech toward victim groups who have wealth and power.  

[From article]
The FBI were tipped off about John F. Kennedy's assassination 13 days before the shooting but ignored it, according to a retired agent.
Don Adams, 82, was involved in the official JFK murder investigation.
He claims the Secret Service and FBI failed to properly investigate a right wing extremist who was recorded saying how the President would soon be shot 'from an office building with a high-powered rifle' and how 'they’ll pick up somebody within hours after…just to throw the public off.'
Were the cops tipped off about JFK's assassination 13 DAYS before the shooting? Extremist in Miami told how the President was going to be shot from an office building and a scapegoat would be found in hours
Right wing extremist Joseph Milteer told Miami police informant William Somersett the murder of JFK was 'in the workings'
The conversation was recorded on November 9, 1963  - 13 days before assassination
Milteer, an organizer for the racist National States Rights Party and the Constitution Party, was reportedly jubilant after JFK's death
A 1979 House Assassinations Committee report claims Miami police intelligence officers met with Secret Service agents on November 12 and provided a transcript of the Somersett recording
The report said the threat 'was ignored by Secret Service personnel in planning the trip to Dallas'
Possibility that word of threat may also have reached the President, according to retired FBI agent Don Adams
PUBLISHED: 17:34 EST, 16 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:34 EST, 16 November 2013

Uploaded on Sep 29, 2010

On November 9, 1963, Miami police audio taped a conversation between one of their informants, William Somerset and a wealthy right-wing extremist named Joseph Adams Milteer. In the tape, Milteer reveals his knowledge of a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy ( "it's in the working" ) from a "building with a high powered rifle". In this video, lead detective Everett Kay describes setting up the surveillance, discusses the contents of the tape and discloses what security changes for the President's November 18th visit to Miami were made in light of the threat. Was a motorcade cancelled and replaced with a helicopter ride ? Listen to what HE says.

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