Monday, September 22, 2014

David Horowitz on C-Span, New Book

[Transcript is inaccurate and difficult to read. The video is about one hour and ten minutes.]

SEPTEMBER 11, 2014
Book Discussion on Take No Prisoners
David Horowitz talked about his book, Take No Prisoners: The Battle Plan for Defeating the Left, in which he argues that liberals in the U.S. have mastered the art of political warfare and says that it’s time that conservatives learned it too. He spoke at an event hosted by the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Los Angeles.

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[Previous appearance on C-Span for an earlier book]

MAY 19, 2005
Book Discussion on The End of Time
David Horowitz talked about his book, The End of Time, published by Encounter Books, which he wrote after battling prostate cancer. During the talk, Mr. Horowitz explained his reaction to being diagnosed with cancer, reflected on the support he received while being treated and the way the experience changed him. He also talked about the work of two men who provided him insights on life: mathematician Blaise Pascal and novelist Saul Bellow. The talk was hosted by the Wednesday Morning Club, a part of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture conceived the morning after the 1992 elections. Mr. Horowitz also answered questions from members of the audience following his remarks.

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