Monday, July 6, 2009

Who Cut Down Four Trees?

Someone cut down four trees in front of 1033 Mass Avenue between Ellery Street and Trowbridge Street. Harvard purchased 1033 which now houses its campus police headquarters. Cambridge is not known for its open space and needs trees to help keep the air clean. The City government historically grants developers variances in order to allow them to cover as much open space as possible. Typical of this misguided policy the City government built its high school on land given to the city by Frederick Rindge. He specifically included in the deed that it was to be used for a museum and a library not for a school. The morally superior Cambridge rulers ignored the law exercising their privileges as elite people should. Was it the Campus police who ordered these trees cut down? Was it Harvard Real Estate? Will the tree hater admit his or her responsibility? Did the unelected City Manager who rules the city with no over sight order these trees cut down?

Within a few weeks the City planted these new trees. Two more are coming down on Broadway near the Fogg Museum between Quincy Street and Prescott Street.

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