Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama Wrong Again

Obama gets it wrong regarding a local incident in Cambridge MA. He verifies the belief that there are two systems of justice -- one for rich and one for poor people. He brought race into the discussion where there was none except in the mind of the Harvard Professor. In any case how does a Harvard professor who gets recognition as a friend of the Governor, the Mayor and the President all black politicians see himself as a victim of discrimination? Did discrimination get him to be a Harvard professor?

1 comment:

kathy podgers said...

When did Prof Gates lose his civil rights?

It seems to me that if it is discrimination based on race or disability the rights are writen in the law the same way. members of the protected class have the right to complain without being subjected to intimidation, or retaliation.


It happens to a lot of people.

Decker discriminated against me, even though she claimed she was a champion of "the disabled," and ebven though her own father is disabled.

Just because Crowley may not be a racist, and may have given mouth to mouth to a black man, does not mean that he didnt discriminate against Gates.

How should the City respond when a member of a protected class feels, and states, they believe thay are being discriminated against? should the City respond that "It is the Policy of Cambridge that the City of Cambridge does not discriminate based on race or disability, therefore you cannot complain. If you keep on complaining I warn you, you will be arrested for disturbing the peace, or creating a disturbance, or being an unruly person, etc, etc, etc...?


Armed and dangerous.

When do the police have a right to order citizens around? I myself do not take orders from the CPD. But, I must say, sometimes that is really, really, very scary.

take care, Roy,

later, Kathy