Monday, October 31, 2011
FBI Videos of Russian Agents
[Videos embedded]
Posted at 11:56 AM ET, 10/31/2011
FBI video, documents on Russian spy ring released
By Jason Ukman
Washington Post
[Videos embedded]
Posted at 11:56 AM ET, 10/31/2011
FBI video, documents on Russian spy ring released
By Jason Ukman
Washington Post
Al Qaeda Flag Flies Over Libya
Nato concludes mission in Libya... but a bad omen for the future as Al Qaeda flag flies over Benghazi
Nato carried out 9,600 airstrike sorties in seven months, destroying 5,900 targets
Operation cost Britain estimated £300million
By Daily Mail (UK) Reporter
Last updated at 5:03 PM on 31st October 2011
Nato concludes mission in Libya... but a bad omen for the future as Al Qaeda flag flies over Benghazi
Nato carried out 9,600 airstrike sorties in seven months, destroying 5,900 targets
Operation cost Britain estimated £300million
By Daily Mail (UK) Reporter
Last updated at 5:03 PM on 31st October 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
One Word Thwarts Telemarketers
Thwarting telemarketers using one word.
90 second video clip
90 second video clip
Howard Stern Exposes Occupy Wall St. Morons
Richard and Sal from the Howard Stern Show talk to occupy wall st squatters
NY Times Reporters Active Participants in Planning Protests She Covers
Big Government: A newly-discovered video–filmed by Occupy Wall Street supporters themselves–reveals that New York Times reporter Natasha Lennard is not merely covering the protests, but is also apparently taking part in planning and executing them. In the video, Lennard is seen participating as a featured speaker in a discussion among anarchists, communists, and other radicals as they examine the theory, strategy and tactics of the Occupy protests.
See full story and complete video at
New Video Reveals: New York Times Reporter Natasha Lennard Is #OccupyWallStreet Activist, Supporter
by Lee Stranahan
October 23, 2011
Oakland CA Protesters in Chase Manhattan Branch
Protesters in Oakland CA occupy a Chase Manhattan Bank branch, chanting, "You got bailed out. We got thrown out." What is surprising is how many of them have video cameras and digital still cameras capturing the protest. These are the same tactics used by SEIU, ACORN, Worrking Families Party to intimidate banks into giving loans to inappropriate applicants who then defaulted. The instigators of the bank failures blame the banks and try to put them out of business. This is what democracy looks like in Oakland CA in 2011.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
FBI Buskers Perform in Cambridge
A quartet of FBI Buskers appeared in October alongside the massive Harvard Fogg Museum Construction project. Harvard gives back to the community with free concerts six days a week through 2013.
See a clip of a concert at this link
The FBI buskers overwhelmed the Fogg Concert. Compare by watching the Fogg concert. You cannot hear the daily concert while the FBI quartet performs. It is not clear if these FBI interlopers were invited or had a permit to perform on Broadway.
Boston FBI,
Cambridge MA,
Fogg Museum,
Harvard University
3000 Rose Petals, 9/11 Tribute
Conceived and distributed by Magdalena Taber
Magdalena Taber,
Rose Petals,
September 11,
Friday, October 21, 2011
Biden Pressed To Explain Rape Comments
CNN: Biden Pressed To Explain Rape Comments Before Being Rushed Away
Posted at 06:00 AM ET, 10/21/2011
Biden’s absurd claims about rising rape and murder rates
By Glenn Kessler
Washington Post
* * *
Senate Democrats Vote for More Rape and Murder
October 21, 2011
Rush Limbaugh Show
Joe Biden,
Political Deception,
Radar Can See Through Walls
[Video embedded]
MIT Develops New Radar Technology: Military Could See Through Walls
Oct 20, 2011
ABC News
[Video embedded]
MIT Develops New Radar Technology: Military Could See Through Walls
Oct 20, 2011
ABC News
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Nightside With Dan Rea SEP 21 2011
Roy Bercaw calls into Dan Rea's Nightside radio show and comments on waste of taxpayer funds by US Department of Justice employees, Cambridge City Manager, Big Dig Project, UN Officials.
Nightside With Dan Rea OCT 6 2011
Roy Bercaw calls into Dan Rea's Nightside radio show on WBZ 1030 AM. He qeries guests Civil Rights Attorney Harvey Silverglate and Boston College Law Professor Kent Greenfield regarding enforcement of patriotic laws, e.g., the Pledge of Allegiance.
Redeye Radio With Doug McIntyre OCT 7 2011
Roy Bercaw calls into Doug McIntyre's RedEye radio show with guest Dan Frakes, Senior Editor of Macworld Magazine, and discusses Steve Jobs' creativity without government subsidies.
Nightside With Dan Rea OCT 12 2011
Roy Bercaw calls into the Dan Rea's Nightside radio show on WBZ AM 1030. He speaks to guest Brigitte Gabriel about the long term animosity of Muslims toward Christians.
Brigitte Gabriel,
Dan Rea,
Roy Bercaw
Nightside With Dan Rea OCT 18 2011
Roy Bercaw calls into the Dan Rea's Nightside Show on WBZ Radio 1030 AM. He asks guest Dexter Van Ziles about propaganda and media conformity.
Dan Rea,
Dexter Van Ziles,
Middle East,
Roy Bercaw,
WBZ Radio
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Sh'ma Israel In Papua New Guinea (PNG)
We [YakovDamkani, YouTube Channel] came to Papua New Guinea and found a real, genuine love for Israel. This is only possible through the power of the Gospel. Unbelievable!!! Visit of the first Messianic Jew there. This is what the Gospel is doing for Gentiles: they love Israel! They sing here: 'Shma Israel..." - Hear o Israel...
Monday, October 17, 2011
Anti Semitic Democratic Organizer at Street Proetests
Lisa Fithian: #Occupy Organizer, Union Educator–And Israel-Hater
by Larry O'Connor
October 16, 2011
The footage below was shot on May 31, 2010 and features Lisa Fithian shouting through a megaphone, accusing the state of Israel of “slaughter[ing] Palestinians every single day.” As Fithian, organizer of the Democratic Party’s new favorite mass protest, looks on, a menacing man decked out in a Palestinian keffiyeh leads her activists in the chant:
Anti Semitism,
Democratic Party,
Lisa Fithian,
Street Protests
Communist Party Leader (FBI Informant?) Gets Huge Ovation At Chicago Rally
Edward Epstein one of the few scholars who recognizes and writes about the Communists in America said the US Communist Party is run by the FBI. That makes sense. The elite in Cambridge MA are clueless as these Chicago protesters. It was the same pattern in New York City and at Columbia University in the late 1960s. The violence came from police embedded in the protest movement.
Last night during the tent city construction at Occupy Chicago on Michigan Ave, John Bachtell, a spokesperson from the national board of the Communist Party U.S.A., addressed the angry mob of nearly 3000. He claimed to “bring greetings and support” from the party, to the occupy movement. Bachtell received a very warm welcome and overwhelming applause form the “occupiers.”
New Black Panther Party, Taking a Break from Voter Intimidation
The "Occupy" protests have been rife with the radical fringes of the leftist movement in America. But you'd only know it by watching here, not by watching CNN or any of the major networks.
OccupySF Speaker: Banks Arresting Customers For Closing Accounts
There have been no reports of arrests of people for closing their accounts at any banks.There have been arrests made at a CitiBank branch in New York after protesters staged a demonstration inside the branch and then, as part of the demonstration, demanded their accounts be closed.
CitiBank has released this statement: "A large number of protesters entered our branch at 555 La Guardia Place around 2:00 PM today. They were very disruptive and refused to leave after being repeatedly asked, causing our staff to call 911. The Police asked the branch staff to close the branch until the protesters could be removed. Only one person asked to close an account and was accommodated."
These are the people that Obama supports. Liars and thieves just like him, who mislead well-intentioaned civilians.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Two Black Girls Beat One White Girl in Class
Girl-on-Girl Attack Captured on Video
Two girls suspended after attack during Sullivan High biology class last Thursday
By BJ Lutz and Natalie Martinez
NBC News Chicago IL
Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 | Updated 10:39 AM CDT
Girl-on-Girl Attack Captured on Video
Two girls suspended after attack during Sullivan High biology class last Thursday
By BJ Lutz and Natalie Martinez
NBC News Chicago IL
Thursday, Oct 13, 2011 | Updated 10:39 AM CDT
Black Students,
High School Students,
Teen Violence
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Why Palestinians Want This Video Removed
The Arabs who occupy the land of Israel want this video to be removed.
Feel free to copy this video and help spread the truth the palestinians seek to deny.
Jerusalem: Muslims and Jews
Or: How and why palestinians desecrate the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.
One of the most important videos on youtube that sheds light on the Jewish-Arab conflict.
Jerusalem has been a Jewish holy city since the days of King David . 3000 years ago.
At that time the Arabs were still pagans who used to worship idols such as Al Uzza, Al Lat and Al Mannat at the Kaaba. (Jahiliyya period)
In the year 638 CE the muslims captured Jerusalem from the Byzantines and built a mosque on the site of the Jewish holy Temple.
While Jews pray facing Jerusalem and the Temple mount, Muslims pray towards Mecca.
When Muslims pray in Jerusalem they point their behind to the Dome of the rock and the temple mount.
An Islamic holy site?
Palestinians use the temple mount as a playground where they have picnics and play soccer.
Sary Nusseibeh, Palestinian professor and the president of the Al Quds university had to go underground after admitting that the temple mount is a Jewish holy site.
Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328), whose writings influenced the Wahhabi movement in arabia ruled that sacred islamic sites are to be found only in the Arabian Peninsula and that "in Jerusalem, there is not a place one calls sacred, and the same holds true for the tombs of Hebron"
Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible 667 times, while in the Quran: 0 times.
According to the quran, the holy land was written by Allah to Israel (quran 5:21) and that the Jews will return to their land (quran 17:104)
The jews are coming back home from the diaspora.
Ezekiel 36:24
"For i will take you from among the nations, gather you out of all countries, and bring you back into your own land"
Jeremiah 29:14
"I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile."
Isaia 62:1
"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch."
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Class of 1961 Passaic NJ High School 50th Reunion
Better video is at this playlist on my YouTube Channel at
There are eight parts to this event held on September 23-25, 2011 at the Hanover Marriott Hotel in Whippany New Jersey where the Class of 1961 of Passaic NJ High School held its 50th Reunion. The original movie is smooth. The uploader creates the choppiness.
Part One of Eight
Still images from Friday afternoon and evening, mixed with images from Passaic. Also included are images of the preliminary event in the Gallery Room of the hotel before the dinner dance in the Ballroom.
Part Two of Eight
Terri Berlin Acrish, Chairperson of the Reunion Committee welcomes the PHS Class of 1961. Images of Passaic and classmates appear on the screen while she speaks. Rosie Meyers Levine recites a poem about remembrance in tribute to classmates who passed away.
Part Three of Eight
Classmates renewing friendships, walking the buffet line, chased by paparazzi, dancing with the stars, and as auditioning for American Idol.
Part Four of Eight
Classmate Joe Lukowich sings. Terri Berling Acrish thanks the reunion committee, and other contributors.
Part Five of Eight
Dr. Sam Jarkesy speaks to his former students. Steven Guttenberg reads a message from Joe Castiglia. Larry Kron announces awards for some classmates. Terri Berlin Acrish presents their prizes. Viet Nam vetereans are asked to stand.
Part Six of Eight
More scenes of dancing senior citizens.
Part Seven of Eight
Restless senior citizens inspired by Terpsichore.
Part Eight of Eight
Still more rock and rolling senior citizens, singing in a frenzy. Linda Ainbender Brecher thanks the hotel staff, the DJ, the official photographer (not me), and issues wishes for happy trails. Brief scenes from Sunday brunch, hello I must be going. Tribute to deceased classmates.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
New Food Cafe Near Harvard Sq.
Zinnekins Brings Belgian Waffles to the Square
By Jane Seo
Harvard Crimson
Published: Friday, October 07, 2011
Zinnekins Brings Belgian Waffles to the Square
By Jane Seo
Harvard Crimson
Published: Friday, October 07, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Obama Marched With New Black Panther Party in 2007
Rush Limbaugh cites Andrew Breitbart's report at Big Government exposing how then-candidate Barack Obama shared a podium and marched with anti-Semite Malik Zulu Shabazz in 2007.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Minka vanBeuzekom, Cambridge City Council Candidate
Cambridge City Council Candidate Minka vanBeuzekom has national admirers. Will Elizabeth Warren show this picture in her campaign as well?

Minka with US Senate Candidate Elizabeth Warren!
Just Being Neighborly
Answer: Only in Germany.
The neighbor tried as best he could!
This is Traute Soupolos... read on...

Now That is a Good Neighbour...... Stuttgart , Germany

You just can't make up stuff like this ...
Answer: Only in Germany.
The neighbor tried as best he could!
This is Traute Soupolos... read on...
Now That is a Good Neighbour...... Stuttgart , Germany
You just can't make up stuff like this ...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Less Government, More Future, New Book
Less Government, More Future is an essay on expanding economic freedom to move America towards a millennium of greatness. The book is based on the time-proven truth that as government expands beyond its core functions, the nation's economic vitality diminishes, as does the brilliance of its future. The theme is supported by a sweeping view of history, as well as studies by top economists. Compelling evidence is presented to show that our present level of total government spending (federal, state and local combined) is nearly twice its optimal level, severely degrading our economic rate of growth. Further, the book goes on to show how recent crises, such as the Saving and Loan crisis of the late 1980's and the 2008 financial crisis, were unwittingly engineered by the federal government. Less Government, More Future presents a solid intellectual argument that economic freedom is the key to America sustaining its position as the world's leading super power for the next millennium.
Bill Cima,
Government Spending
George Will Explodes Myth of Obama’s Rhetorical Powers
“He went to Massachusetts to campaign against Scott Brown. Scott Brown is now a senator. He went to New Jersey to campaign against Chris Christie, who’s now the governor. He went to Virginia to campaign against Bob McDonnell, who’s now governor. He campaigned for the health care plan extensively, it became less popular. He campaigned in 2010 for the Democrats, they were shellacked. He began, in a sense, his presidency flying to Copenhagen to get Chicago the Olympics. Chicago was the first city eliminated. There is no evidence that the man has rhetorical powers he is relying on.”
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