Adreas Rufer, Deputy Consul
Chris Solarski is an author and Artist Game Designer. His studio is in Zurich Switzerland. Solarski explained that he was focused on classical art applied to video games. He explained that old masters created art on a hidden system of lines. The lines and angles in the pantings suggested eye movement along the lines or circles. He called them "emotion generating slopes." Reubens suggested circular movement of the eyes. Others used triangles to represent sharp movements as opposed to smooth transitions. He said "everything can be reduced to very primitive shapes." When designing video games there is the background, the middle ground, the foreground, the barriers and the goal.

Chris Solarski, Author, Artist Game Designer
He showed the Mario figure which is round. He is a circular figure in a circular environment. His job was to eliminate the angular shapes. The objective was to create harmony. If both shapes are present there is dissonance. He said his favorite game is The Agenda of Zelda.

Mario and Wario

Example of Triangles in Classical Painting
Solarski did not mention the role of light in creating an environment. He may have assumed that it was understood. He discussed the difference between an observer of a painting which remains static, and the video game environment which changes and is changed by the observer.
Terrence Masson, Executive Professor of Creative Industries
Terrence Masson (l.) and Chris Solarski
He said he has a BFA in art history and graphic arts; and worked in animation for film production. His passion was very apparent. He was especially excited about his students who come from many backgrounds and disciplines to immerse themselves in the various means of visual expression. He said they are history, English literature, Health Sciences and Engineering majors.

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