Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tsunami Watch, Cambridge, MA NOV 2 2010

These images were captured at about 9:30 AM, November 2, 2010, on Cambridge Street and Quincy Street in Cambridge MA. The building is the Harvard Graduate School of Design, which houses the voting machines for Ward 7 Precinct 3 of Cambridge MA. As you can see there is no Tsunami present. The precinct workers reported that the Tsunami is not expected at this location. No water or Republicans were seen in the area. Poll workers said they did see a few mauve elephants wandering upward toward West Cambridge. They could not be certain that the elephants, who are known to have an early awareness of the approach of Tsunamis, were actually running from an approaching storm. In any case no one seemed worried in Cambridge and if it comes they will be unprepared. This report compiled by the Volunteer Tsunami Watchers of Mid Cambridge.

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