Columbia University Teachers College held an alumni celebration of the 125th anniversary in Boston on January 24, 2013 at the Langham Hotel. Featured speakers included Thomas James Provost and Dean of Teachers College, and John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education and Deputy Provost. They were introduced by Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations. The images below were captured at the event by Roy Bercaw.
Teachers College launched a new website where events are listed for this year at
which will serve as a gateway to a wide array of programs, events, historical links, and multi media features, including the debut of "Mini Moments with Big Thinkers."
The Office of Alumni Relations site to update alumni information is at
The Facebook page for Boston area alumni(a) is at
To learn how to support the Provost's Series Programs see
Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations
Thomas James, Provost, Dean, Teachers College, discussed the need to recognize that health is a requirement for learning. He asked "What is the relationship between the mind and the body?" This question was discussed forever by philosophers. He also raised the issue of nutrition, the role of health in education and the connection between health and human behavior.
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost said that "structural changes are necessary to make institutional cultural responses" effective. That is a large concept to grasp. One goal should be to "make people believe in who they are." At one time the news department "created educational policy."
Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations
Thomas James, Provost, Dean Teachers College raised the issue of how to promote our health. He noted that physical activity has positive effects on persons who had coronary interventions. Another area for investigation is physical activity versus mortality. He asked, "How much physical activity is good for you?" He said, "getting oxygen to the brain is important."
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost said, six years ago they began asking the faculty what they could do to change and to impact educational policy. Because of the many different departments at Teacher's College, it is not what it could be. They put together a strong group of professionals to work with students to have the greatest impact. What can we do to change, to yield an impact with mental health. Teacher's College has multi lingual students and faculty.
Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations
Thomas James, Provost, Dean Teachers College added that "too much physical activity can affect mental health." He suggested that more investigation is needed to understand "the relationship between health and human behavior." He asked, "What is the connection between health and educational achievement?" He mentioned "the obesity epidemic" over the last 20 years. He mentioned some variation of the aphorism "A sound body is a sound mind." According to the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office, ‘A sound mind in a sound body’ is the English translation of a famous quotation by the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Thales (Miletus, 624 – 546 BC), demonstrating the close links between physical exercise, mental equilibrium and the ability to enjoy life.
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost. His research focuses on health behavior, self-management, and health outcomes in chronic disease.
Rosella Garcia, Director of Alumni Relations
Thomas James, Provost, Dean Teachers College, is also Vice President for Academic Affairs and on the faculty of TC's Department of Arts and Humanities.
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost has had over two decades of continuous NIH support to develop and evaluate behavioral and educational approaches designed to improve coping, communication, and control in patients with chronic disease.
Thomas James, Provost, Dean Teachers College, was Dean of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost, and his team of co-investigators were the first to demonstrate in a seminal randomized controlled trial that an intervention program combining supervised fitness walking and socially supportive patient education could produce clinically meaningful improvements in functioning without exacerbating symptoms of pain or increasing use of medication in patients with knee osteoarthritis.
Carol Ewing Garber, Associate Professor of Movement Sciences, and Director, Graduate Program in Applied Physiology, collaborated with Prof. Allegrante.
Thomas James, Provost, Dean Teachers College was Vice Dean and professor of Educational History at New York University's Steinhardt School of Education.
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost has been the leading health education scientist and co-investigator on several NIH-funded projects, including the $7.5-million Translational Behavioral Science Research Consortium, which has sought to understand the role of positive emotions in adherence and health-related behavioral change.
Thomas James, Provost, Dean Teachers College was a tenured professor at Brown University.
John Allegrante, Professor of Health Education, Deputy Provost
Prof. John Allegrante (left), and Provost Thomas James
Winner of the door prize . . . a TC blanket.
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