Whitey Bulger: America's Most Wanted Gangster and the Manhunt That Brought Him to Justice
By Kevin Cullen and Shelley Murphy
Publisher: Norton, W.W. & Co. Inc
New York 2013

Book Reading: Whitey Bulger, by Shelley Murphy and Kevin Cullen. Wednesday March 13, 2103 at the Brattle Theater sponsored by the Harvard Book Store, an independently owned book store near Harvard Square in Cambridge MA. There was a $5 admission charge for the reading. Carol from the Harvard Book Store introduced the panel.

Robin Young, WBUR
Robin Hill of WBUR, Boston Public Radio station at Boston University, in Boston MA moderated the discussion. An audio recording was made for later broadcast. Kevin Cullen is reported to be working at the Boston Globe since 1985. Shelley Murphy was at the Boston Herald from 1985 until 1993 when she moved to the Boston Globe.

Cullen explained that he was in Los Angeles when Bulger was captured. Bulger called him a "low life." He called Shelley Murphy a "traitor," because she was born in South Boston. Cullen said he wanted to get away from what he called "Wise guy lit," written about criminals by criminals. He said "No one writes about the lives ruined by criminals." Cullen said he had a personal experience with the myth that Bulger kept drugs out of South Boston. He said he believes that Bulger killed more than the 19 that he is charged with in the pending trial. He said, "Nothing moved in South Boston without Whitey's approval."

Arthur Garrity, US Judge

James "Whitey" Bulger

Alcatraz Prison

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President
JFK appointed Garrity to be US Attorney.

Robert Francis Kennedy, US Senator, US Attorney General
JFK, RFK and Edward Kennedy strongly supported Judge Garrity's efforts forcing bussing on the Boston public schools.

Edward Moore Kennedy, US Senator

James "Whitey" Bulger, after capture in 2012
James Bulger placed a Molotov cocktail on the rear of JFK's home on Beale Street in Brookline, MA. He allegedly wrote "Bus Teddy."

Shelley Murphy explained she was in high school during that time and was bussed to Roxbury High School. Because she was from South Boston they called her "scum." She revealed the amazing fact that not all people from South Boston were racist. But that there were some.

James "Whitey" Bulger, Democrat

Mitt Romney, Massachusetts Governor
He hated Romney because Romney busted the unions. Whitey used to pick up women who were carrying their groceries home and gave them rides to their homes. It was one of the many things that endeared him to the people of South Boston.

Robin Young, Kevin Cullen, Shelley Murphy (l to r)

Catherine Greig

James "Whitey" Bulger with Catherine Greig

U.S. Rep. Robert Drinan, S.J.

John McCormack, US Rep. (D-Massachusetts) Speaker, US House of Representatives
The Speaker of the US House of Representatives John McCormack, US Rep. from Massachusetts, wrote letters to the US Bureau of Prisons seeking special treatment for Bulger. The Director of the US Bureau of Prisons visited Bulger at Alcatraz to see if he was comfortable. Bulger said, "There's nothing like political power."

Richard Nixon, President, US Rep. (R-California), US Senator

William "Billy" Bulger, President Massachusetts Senate, Massachusetts State Representative from South Boston, President of University of Massachusetts. Retired with state pension of about $197,000 per year.
Billy got him a job at the Suffolk County Courthouse. He did not like a nine-to-five job and soon left to become an enforcer for the Killeen Gang in South Boston.

John Martorano
Martorano admitted to killing 20 people for Bulger.

It was a problem when the FBI and The US Department of Justice got involved with Bulger because of national policy. In order to advance in the FBI one needed informants.

Boston FBI Special Agent John Connolly
John Connolly grew up in the same neighborhood as Bulger in South Boston. He persuaded Bulger to become an informant. Billy Bulger was "a" mentor for John Connolly. Connolly did Billy a favor making James an informant.

FBI Special Agent John Connolly after conviction for homicide
Cullen said Connolly was "his" best informant. Connolly praised Bulger to Cullen, who guessed that Bulger was an informant. The Boston Globe Spotlight series exposed Bulger as a "rat." When he was asked what he thought about being exposed as an informant, Bulger said it would appear as one more effort to discredit his brother Billy. Three crime bosses were asked what they thought about Bulger. They said they knew no one more "venal and vicious." They could not believe that the FBI would get into bed with Bulger. They had a higher opinion of the FBI than it deserved.

Joseph Patrick "Joe" Kennedy, Sr., US Ambassador to UK, Chairman SEC, First Chairman of Maritime Commission, Bootlegger, Founder of Kennedy Cult, Bon Vivant
Cullen did not say if he recognized a pattern begun by Joseph Kennedy, founder of the Kennedy Cult, to infiltrate government with his associates to take control of rackets and to eliminate any opposition. That was begun fifty years earlier and the FBI was a a part of the implementation in Boston. They focused their resources on the Italian American crime families and stood by while the Irish American crime families continued their activities and took over the businesses of the Italian American crime families as they were arrested. It was a form of government racism implemented by the Boston office of the FBI. It was part of the reason why the Kennedy brothers were executed for betraying the crime families who helped JFK get elected to the Presidency. Their reckless activities are what caused the tragedies suffered by them and the women who died or who were permanently disabled by the reckless behavior of the Kennedy politicians.

Teresa Stanley, dated Bulger for 30 years
He dated two women at the same time when he was in South Boston, Catherine Greig and Teresa Stanley.

James "Whitey" Bulger, with Teresa Stanley
He kept them separate. One had no college degree. Catherine was a teacher and was insecure. She wanted to please Bulger. It is why she stayed with him and protects him now.

Catherine Greig

One person asked why Billy did not turn in his brother. Cullen said it was not like the Unabomber. "That's like comparing apples to oranges," he said. "If the Unabomber was my brother I would have turned him in," he added. The Unabomber killed three people for political purposes. Bulger murdered 19 people for personal gain. Apples and oranges?

Ted "The Unabomber" Kaczynski. Harvard University trained mathematician, who was a human subject for mind control experiments when a student at Harvard.

James "Whitey" Bulger (left) with Kevin Weeks

Kevin Weeks
A fact unknown to me was that when Kevin Weeks testified about the list of Boston police officers and FBI agents who were paid by Whitey Bulger, Weeks stopped after naming two Boston officers who were dead.

John Durham, US Department of Justice Prosecutor

Michael Sullivan, US Attorney, Boston, Candidate for US Senator 2013
Michael Sullivan former US Attorney in Boston and John Durham, Justice Department Prosecutor who said John Connolly was the only agent compromised, promised a full report about the police suspected of taking bribes and working with Bulger and his crime family. Eleven years later there is still no report. Sullivan is running for the US Senate seat vacated by John Kerry. Cullen reported that Durham is now investigating the CIA to see if they tortured anyone. Hehe.

John Forbes Kerry, US Senator, US Secretary of State, Massachusetts Lt. Governor
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