Friday, July 31, 2009

Gibbs: Does Not Want to Get Into That

Presidential Press Secretary Robert Gibbs does "not want to get into" often.

Cost Cutting Eliminates Poor from Health Clinic

Michelle Malkin: Under the Orwellian banner of an “Urban Health Initiative,” Mrs. Obama sold the scheme to outsource low-income care to other facilities as a way to “dramatically improve health care for thousands of South Side residents.” The program guaranteed “free” shuttle rides to and from the outside clinics. In truth, it was old-fashioned cost-cutting and favor-trading repackaged as minority aid. Clearing out the poor freed up room for insured (i.e., more lucrative) patients.

Lashley's Letter to Gates

This is a video report which includes a letter written by Cambridge Police Sgt. Leon Lashley (on scene at the arrest on July 16, 2009) to Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. It was allegedly carried by Sgt. James Crowley to his meeting with the President on Thursday July 30, 2009.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Michelle Malkin with Matt Lauer

Michelle Malkin appears on Today Show with Matt Lauer who gets upset. She was there to discuss her new book, Culture of Corruption, about the Obama administration.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Library Construction Update

These images taken on July 29, 2009 show the new tot lot, the restored old library building, and the ugly new glass building.

TV News Obsession

These images were taken on July 29, 2009, thirteen days after Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley arrested Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. for disorderly conduct. I encountered three TV remote units but there may have been more in other parts of the city. NBC News was stationed at City Hall and in front of the YMCA. They were preparing to cover the demonstration in support of Gates. Their sign said "Gates is right." I tried to explain that Gates is left but they insist he is right.

Most Rev. Filipe Teixeira

WFXT-TV FOX25 in Boston was on Broadway near the library a few feet from Ware Street.

WHDH-TV Channel 7 in Boston was stationed at Ware Street where the arrest happened.

This is the press conference that NBC News was in Cambridge to cover.

Hotel Veritas Mass Avenue, Remington Street

Construction on the new Hotel Veritas at Mass Avenue and Remington Street.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Monday July 27, 2009 at about 7:05 AM this truck landed outside of my window and unloaded this huge green dumpster. The truck drove away. While I was wearing ear phones working on audio the driver came back, uploaded the dumpster and took it away. At about 11:15 AM he returned and again unloaded the dumpster. About 30 minutes later he returned and again uploaded it and took it away. He did not return a third time. Here's my question. Was the driver practicing? Was he just doing it to make noise and to annoy me? I was able to take these still photos which do not include the sounds of the uploading which is not very inspiring or danceable. On Tuesday July 28, 2009 at about 7:05 AM the company truck appeared with a dumpster and dropped one again. At about 7:25 AM a truck appeared and took it away. Then at about 1:45 PM another dumpster was dropped. At about 2:05 PM the truck appeared and picked up the dumpster. I called to the Cambridge Department of Public works to inquire what was going on. A DPW employee referred me to the Department of Traffic and Parking, which issues permits for dropping dumpsters. I was unable to get through their voice mail to a real person for the man in charge or his emergency referral person. I left a message for the deputy of the department. I also called to the C. J. Mabardy Company which is in Cambridge. The receptionist asked my name. I did not want to give it for fear of having one of their employees come and beat me up. It is a "removal" as in trash company. I said I would call back which I did. I finally spoke with their point man for directing their dumpster deliveries. He told me that the dumpster was dropped at the location under direction of the construction project manager. He was able to determine that it was from the renovation construction of the high school, one and one half blocks away. I did not say that I knew they needed a permit to drop their dumpsters no less their drawers. I asked how long it was going to continue. He said he did not know, but that it was only for the "initial demolition." That meant that after they knocked down whatever they were knocking down there would be no more dumpster drop-offs under my window. On Wednesday July 29, 2009 there was no drop off at 7 AM as there were on the previous two days. On Friday July 31, 2009 the company dropped off a dumpster at about 7:20 AM and picked it up at about 7:50 AM.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Outdoor Trash Attracts Rodents at Harvard

These photos show the dumpster behind 85 Prescott Street a Harvard building. The dumpster replaced the plastic barrels. New tenants are unable to figure out how to get their trash into the dumpster and leave it out for the rodents.

See also this video

911 Arrest Tapes of Harvard Prof. Gates

This is from Cambridge Chronicle via YouTube about 7 minutes. There was some editing.
This is from WFXT-TV Channel 25 in Boston.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Tenants' Health Hazard

These four photos were added on Sunday evening after there were additions to the original pile. You can see that two of the fluorescent bulbs were removed from the elevator. One of the bulbs was removed from the hall, but one remains.

Please note that new tenants at 85 Prescott Street are unable to find the trash receptacles in the rear of the building. It creates a health hazard to store trash in the front lobby. Is it possible for the management of Harvard Real Estate Services to educate their tenants regarding the proper storage of their trash? On or about Thursday July 24, 2009 I posted a note on the front door after one or more tenants used the paper receptacle in the lobby for food trash, which created a horrible odor. Someone took that sign down. Perhaps HRES can send an official notice on university stationery explaining where the new tenants should place their trash?
It is not clear why the old bulletin board was removed preventing tenants from communicating with each other.

Sidewalk Hazard

These images show the parking area at the loading dock for CRLS (Cambridge MA public high school) on Cambridge Street. The sidewalk is currently closed from Felton Street to Irving Street due to construction. The photos were taken one day after a moderate rain storm (Saturday July 25, 2009 at about 9:00 AM). The path for the sidewalk remains under water. In the summer it is an inconvenience and may get shoes wet or wheels of strollers wet. But in winter when the water freezes as it often does at that location it becomes a hazard for pedestrians and especially for persons with disabilities who use wheel chairs. The Cambridge DPW responded to my previous note about this situation saying that it will be considered during warm weather.