[2 minute video embedded]
[From article]
The policy is called, "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing." It will require HUD to gather data on segregation and discrimination in every single neighborhood and try to remedy it.
[. . .]
Also troublesome to critics is that the HUD secretary, in announcing this proposed rule, blamed poverty on zip codes – rather than other socio-economic factors that studies have shown contribute to poverty.
Will these new rules be applied to Harvard University and the City of Cambridge MA which allows Harvard to restrict its housing portfolio to only Harvard students, faculty and employees. Isn't that a factor in keeping separate the upper class elite from the ordinary working classes with and without a college degree? In addition Harvard segregates further by placing elder persons into one building. What role does Harvard University elitist policies play in keeping some people from rising above the socio-economic level they were born into, from enjoying the pursuit of happiness?
Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods
By Doug McKelway
Published August 08, 2013
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