Here's a link to online file you can watch this forum any time.
Other videos related to this year's council elections and school committee elections can be seen at this link.
Here is a link to see schedule of when CCTV will broadcast the candidate forums beginning Friday October 18, 2013. East Cambridge Planning Team and the one at Lesley University October 8, 2013. Other election videos are listed on this page also.

Venue of the third City Council candidate forum.
A third Cambridge City Council candidate forum was held at Lesley University on Tuesday, October 8, 2013. The amphitheater was filled to capacity with interested voters standing at the rear and sitting along the edges. Two candidates were unable to attend due to personal matters. City Councilor Timothy Toomey, Jr. had a family emergency. Candidate Logan Leslie had a family issue. Former City Councilor, Mayor and State Representative Alice Wolf moderated and asked the questions. She kept the questions concise so that the candidates and the voters were able to focus on the matters raised. The government shut down in DC was not mentioned except obliquely, recognizing that the federal government is dysfunctional.
Early arrivals.
Plenty of open seats at this time.
Here are comments reported by the Cambridge Chronicle.
By Erin Baldassari/
Wicked Local Cambridge
Posted Oct 09, 2013 @ 12:43 PM
Candidate Nadeem A. Mazen.
"[Councilor E. Denise] Simmons identified a direct approach helping small businesses. She took the opportunity to highlight an initiative she started to get the city, as one of the largest purchasers of goods and services, to buy locally." What she did not say is with that policy in place, the City Council purchased a "present" for the previous City Manager from a national chain bookstore.
Candidates Jefferson R. Smith (left), and Kristen Lane Von Hoffman.
"Councilor David Maher [said] the system works 'pretty well' and others [said] it isn’t working at all." Candidates for US offices usually run against Washington DC. In Cambridge it is difficult to run against yourself.
Candidates Dennis J. Carlone (left), and Janneke Ann House.
"[Candidate Ronald] Peden led off the discussion with a call to close the growing income gap in Cambridge, a charge picked up by nearly every other candidate." No details were provided. Within the perspective of the current administrations in Washington DC and on Beacon Hill, the policies work against closing the income gap. The gap increased during the previous five years of governance by Obama and Deval Patrick. How would the Cambridge City Council with little power other than to ask the City Manager to do something, and to grant curb cuts have any influence on income, generating jobs and regulating salaries?
Alice Wolf negotiating with one of the many power brokers present, at last minute. Marylou Batt, Lesley University Vice President is to the left of Wolf.
In a related article published in the print edition, October 10, 2103, page A14, "Election Notes," "Vasquez invited as CRLS speaker," Candidate Luis Vasquez reportedly said to a high school civics class, "Don't view me as a politician, because to me the role of a Cambridge City Councilor is to be a leader." In 2010, the Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, Harvard College, Harvard Law School and former Chief of the Civil Rights Division of the US Department of Justice said, "I am not a politician." Is there a reason why some people (often politicians) deny what they are? Are being a leader and a City Councilor mutually exclusive? Is so why?
School Committee Member Marc C. McGovern (left), with City Councilor E. Denise Simmons.
While I was taking notes, I noticed the man with a video camera sitting next to me focus his lens on me about 6 inches from my face. He said he was from Spain and was at the forum to record candidate Luis Vasquez. The last time I had a camera in my face so close was when I stopped by a church in Cambridge as I walked to a library. I asked the state police officer what was going on. He said "A wedding." then turned his video camera toward me and held it the way this guy from Spain did. Does that mean that Vasquez is the state police candidate?
John Howard, President of the Porter Square Neighborhood Association (left), Lesley University Vice President Marylou Batt, to his right.
Before the first panel began, candidate Nadeem Mazen took out his still camera and took my picture also. I wondered why I was of interest to these politicians. How many of the candidates of the people are actually police employees?
Candidate Luis Vasquez.
Cambridge fire and police officers responded to an unknown call as I left the building. In case they were after me I kept walking. I made it home safely without being questioned. I directed the emergency personnel to the second floor where the politicians could be found for questioning or for apprehension. These images were captured by Roy Bercaw on a SONY FD MAVICA (elder) digital camera.
Left to right. Candidates Dennis J. Carlone, Janneke Ann House, Nadeem A. Mazen, School Committee Member Marc C. McGovern.
[Stop back for updates which will include the questions, website URLs and responses of the candidates. Cambridge Community Television (CCTV) filmed the forum. Here is a link to a online file you can watch any time.
I'm trying to learn when it will be broadcast on cable television, and will post the times so that you can see the exact words spoken at the event.]
Left to right. Candidates City Councilor E. Denise Simmons, Jefferson R. Smith, Luis Vasquez, Kristen Lane Von Hoffman.
Electrical genius (left), working on microphone. Mayor Wolf to his right. That is the top of Dennis J. Carlone's head, to her right.
From extreme left, at end of first panel, John Howard, President of Porter Square Neighborhood Association, State Rep. Alice Wolf, Candidates Dennis J. Carlone, Janneke Ann House, Nadeem A. Mazen, School Committee Member Marc C. McGovern.
Left to right. Candidates Jefferson R. Smith, Luis Vasquez, Kristen Lane Von Hoffman.
Full house, after first panel.
Full center section of amphitheater.
Full left field section too.
Second panel, left to right. Candidates Lesley Rebecca Phillips, City Councilor Kenneth A. Reeves, James M. Williamson.
Second panel, left to right. Candidates (half out of camera range at extreme left is) Gary W. Mello, Mushtaque A. Mizra, Gregg J. Moree, Ronald Peden.
Left to right. At lectern, John Howard, Alice Wolf. Second panel Candidates City Councilor David P. Maher, Gary W. Mello.
End of second panel. Left to right. Candidates Lesley Rebecca Phillips, City Councilor Kenneth A. Reeves, James M. Williamson.
End of second panel. Left to right. City Councilor David P. Maher, Gary W. Mello, Mushtaque A. Mizra, Gregg J. Moree, Ronald Peden.
Third panel, left to right. Candidates former City Councilor Sam Seidel, City Councilor Minka van Beuzecom, Elie Yarden.
Third panel, left to right. Candidates Dennis A. Benzan, City Councilor Leland Cheung, City Councilor Craig A. Kelley, James Jong Soo Lee.
Third panel, left to right. Candidates Dennis A. Benzan, City Councilor Leland Cheung.
Third panel, left to right. Candidates former City Councilor Sam Seidel, City Councilor Minka van Beuzecom.
Third panel, left to right. Candidates City Councilor Craig A. Kelley, James Jong Soo Lee.
Third panel candidate Elie Yarden.
Left to right. State Representative Alice Wolf, candidate Dennis A. Benzan.
Post forum consultations. Left to right. Candidates James Williamson, Ronald Peden.
End of third panel, left to right. Candidates James Jong Soo Lee, former City Councilor Sam Seidel, City Councilor Minka van Beuzecom.
End of third panel, left to right. Alice Wolf at lectern. Candidates Dennis A. Benzan, City Councilor Leland Cheung, City Councilor Craig A. Kelley.
End of third panel. Candidate Elie Yarden, with concerned voter.
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