Thursday, September 4, 2014

AZ Woman Shoots Intruder While On Phone to Police Dispatcher

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[From article]
Arizona Central reported that the 47-year-old homeowner, who was not identified, fired one shot into the 20-year-old man, who was arraigned in June after he recuperated from the gunshot wound.
The 911 call starts out with the woman, who said she was taught how to use a .38-caliber handgun by her late husband, alerting the dispatcher that someone was breaking into the house.
The dispatcher tried to calm her and said police were en route, and the woman said she had the gun in her hand. Tensions rose until the woman confirmed that someone had entered her home.
"They broke my arcadia door," she said.
The audio continues until a gunshot is heard.

911 call reveals scene before homeowner shoots intruder during Phoenix robbery
Published September 04, 2014

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