Tuesday, July 8, 2014

U.S. State Department Concerned About Beaten Palestinian

But when a Jewish American was kidnapped and found dead in the West Bank the State Department was silent. Why is that?

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Shocking footage shows Israeli police savagely beating American teen cousin of Palestinian boy, 15, burned alive in revenge attack over death of three Jewish youths
Mohammed Abu Khder, 16, was kidnapped and found murdered Wednesday
Autopsy results show he was burned to death
Tensions running high between Israel and Palestine after two days of violence
Thousands of police deployed in east Jerusalem in order to 'keep security'
Mohammed's cousin, Tariq Khdeir, 16, a US citizen who lives in Tampa, says he was beaten and arrested by police
Video of the incident has surfaced but police say they have not verified the person in it is Tariq
'Profoundly troubled' U.S. officials calling for full investigation
PUBLISHED: 12:40 EST, 5 July 2014 | UPDATED: 18:06 EST, 5 July 2014

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